^ This Be me :P
Er..I have long blonde hair, blue eyes and braces :P My RL name is Lucy, but everyone calls me Leec, so it just stuck. WAYS TO WRITE MY NAME :D Leec, lee-c Lee-C Or LeeC. Either way is fine, but I prefer Leec. I sometimes use a different username, such as "DrPepperJunky" 'cuz I love Dr. Pepper. Who doesn't?
I own 2 RL rats, and Ill be buying a albino feeder to add to the gang. Once they are old enough. Right now they are just pinkies, which sucks, because when I do go back there to see how much they've grown, most of them will be...gone. I did buy 3 rats from a reptile something, and we found homes for the other 2, and I kept the little boy.
I named him "Little Boy" he was my pride and joy, my little baby. He wouldn't grow, and he was skinny. He ate and drank..but still skinny. So one day I took him out, and noticed he was acting funny..So I put him on a towel, and held him. I talked to him sweetly, and petted him. He was completely blue. His tail,ears and feet were all blue. And then he just got up, fell over and started twitching. But then he was..gone. Im guessing it was because he was a feeder rat, horribly inbred, and his heart was just too little to pump enough blood to his body. Although he was just white with red eyes, to me, he was the most beautiful thing in the world..
My 2 rats are both female, yet to be named. This lady reserved them from the litter I bred, and she never called back, txt or emailed. So were keeping them (Yay! <3) They're mother was Mitzi, who I gave to a friend <3 and the father was Buddy, my other friends male rat. Although, he died, he was 2 yrs old. They made BEAUTIFUL babies.
My mom is allergic to animals, except small animals like rodents, but she's taking medication, and hopefully it will work. So thats the reason why we have no dogs or cats. We can't afford a horse at this time, but hopefully someday soon.
My mom is thinking about going back to school to become a nurse, but im sure it was just a thought.. She doesn't seem to be doing anything about it though..Ohwell.
Im not a early bird, Im a night owl. So I love to stay up all night long, mostly on the computer, but my mom won't let me. I WILL NOT wake up in the morning for anything. Unless baby animals, or she brought home food. YES. FOOOOODDD. I love me some cheeseburgers xD My favorite place to eat at is El Imperial (Mexican) and Whataburger (BURGERS :D) But, we call it WATERBURGER. Might just be an accent. I live in Houston TX, Lots of people think Texans are cowboys and girls, and all this jizz. Not all of it is true. Im not sure if we have accents or not, but probably.
My birthday is March, 29, 1997, so im 13. Im very much Home-schooled, so no mean teachers (WOO!) I haz 3 other siblings. 2 brothers and 1 sister. Im the youngest, My brothers are 19 and 14. My sister is 17. :P I want a RL rattery, but my mom said only one rat, but then she let me keep 2, and now she agreed to get another, but no she's saying  "No! They stink!"  but they like, don't smell at all..lol.  Im currently reading Eragon, FableHaven secrets of the dragon sanctuary and Owls Of Ga'hoole. I read a lot, though my mom wants me to read "How the body works" and learn off of it. I don't understand a word thats in it >.<
I guess thats me. :P